601 University Drive, UAC 466, San Marcos, TX 78666
Site Coordinator: Dr. Joseph A. Kotarba
Participating faculty, staff and students:
Dr. Patti Giuffre
Sociology of Work and Gender
Email: pg07@txstate.edu
Dr. Deborah Harris
Sociology of Food; Diversity
Email: dh57@txstate.edu
Dr. Gloria Martinez-Ramos
Sociology of Culture; Diversity
Email: gm21@txstate.edu/csi
Dr. Rachel Romero
Social theory; culture; war crimes
Email: r_r299@txstate.edu
Nick LaLone
Sociology of Culture and Mas Media
Email: nl14@txstate.edu
The Department of Sociology at Texas State University-San Marcos established the Center for Social Inquiry in March 2011. We have engaged in a number of activities to enhance the quality and breadth of research and intellectual life in the Department. Our activities have focused on five areas. Applied Sociological Research includes evaluation and needs assessment projects ranging from a needs assessment study for the Human Services Board of the City of San Marcos, Texas, to a white paper policy statement on diversity for the Texas Healthcare Trustees. Basic Sociological Research projects supported by the Center include a qualitative study translational science at the University of Texas Medical Branch-Galveston, funded by the NIH. Our major project on Community Development through Leisure and the Arts is an upcoming symposium on music scenes and community development. Publication Support has been given to Baby Boomer Rock‘n’roll Fans: And the Music Plays On (Scarecrow Press), The Present and Future of Symbolic Interaction (FrancoAngeli), and The Death and Resurrection of Deviance (Palgrave). Finally, our first program to integrate university and community interests was a multi-media symposium on Tejano music star Selena.
Research initiatives and grants :
“The Culture of Translational Science Research,” funded by the Institute for Translational Science at UT Medical Branch-Galveston and the NIH.
“An Evaluation and Needs Assessment of Human Services Delivery,” funded by the City of San Marcos, Texas.
The Death and Resurrection of Deviance. New York: Palgrave Macmillan (co-edited by Michael Dellwing, Joseph A. Kotarba, and Nathan Pino) (2014)
Baby Boomer Rock’n’Roll Fans: And the Music Plays On. New York: Scarecrow Press (Joseph A. Kotarba) (2013)
Understanding Society through Popular Music. New York: Routledge, 2nd Edition (co-authored by Joseph A. Kotarba, Bryce Merrill, Patrick Williams and Phillip Vannini) (2013) (1st edition: 2009)
The Present and Future of Symbolic Interactionism. Milan, Italy: FrancoAngeli (co-edited by Andrea Salvini, Joseph A. Kotarba, and Bryce Merrill) (2012)
“My Life as a Sociologist and a Symbolic Interactionist,” by Joseph A. Kotarba. Studies in Symbolic Interaction 38 (2012)
“The Management of Women Professional Athletes’ Injuries,” by Joseph A. Kotarba. In Safai Parissa (ed.), The Social Organization of Sports Medicine. New York: Routledge (2012)