the Cooperating Site Registration Form
The participation of delegates from around the world in the Congress of Qualitative Inquiry has been integral to the growth of the congress, and its stature as a truly international meeting of scholars. We are truly grateful for this support and participation.Our shared goals involve leadership, advocacy and collaboration in the use of qualitative research for social justice purposes.
Part of this initiative is the creation of a working structure that routinely places qualitative researchers in closer contact with one another. To this end we are seeking strategic partners, persons located at collaborating sites who will establish links back to IIQI. and with one another. This is an open invitation to all delegates to become part of this global network by self-nomination. We want a global network of interconnected Collaborating Sites (CS).
A Collaborating Site (CS) develops its own initiatives for expanding qualitative inquiry and its potential for social justice. Each site develops a web page which is linked to the IIQI website ( The CS lists local faculty involved in qualitative research, along with their research interests, and provides information about upcoming workshops, seminars, conferences and other programs in the local area. By making this information available through the web, it is our hope to build a strong network of researchers worIf you accept this invitation, we would like your response to the Registration Form at the top of this webpage. ( We are happy to assist you in filling out this Registration form ).We want to print the names and addresses of Collaborating Sites in the 2010 Congress Program. As a continuation from the 2009 Congress, we plan to have an international town hall meeting at the 2010 Congress, where representatives from CSs can meet and share experiences and information.