Our goal is to provide a space for accessing and assembling information about the various works in qualitative inquiry being conducted worldwide.
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Name of Institution:Name of Collaborating Site (If different from above):Type of Site: University/CollegeMethodology Center/InstituteScholarly SocietyBusiness/CorporationAssociationUnitWebsite Address:Contact E-mail:Contact Mailing Address:Site Coordinator:Participating faculty, staff and students_1:Research Interests, Disciplines:Email:Please provide us with a narrative describing the activities at your site:Please provide a list of faculty and students active in Qualitative Research:Please list upcoming workshops, seminars, conferences:Please describe any research initiatives, grants, etc. active at your institution:Please list any publications, performances, etc that would be of interest to the IIQI community:May we list you on the iiqi.org website?