Reference Information for Qualitative Articles, Books, and Other Written Works
Center for Critical Public Health (References for Qualitative Publications)
Centre for Narrative Research (Forthcoming Papers and Works in Progress)
Workshops, Seminars, and Presentations
artsmethods@manchester, The University of Manchester (Workshop Resources)
Center for Critical Qualitative Health Research: Podcast
Center for Critical Qualitative Health Research (Courseware: Teaching Qualitative Interviewing)
UK Data Service: Qualitative Interviews
Qualitative Resources Available at Websites
Antioch University (Qualitative Resources)
Association for Qualitative Research (Australia)
Association for Qualitative Research (Great Britain)
CAQDAS Networking Project, University of Surrey
Center for Collaborative Action Research, Pepperdine University
Center for Critical Qualitative Health Research, University of Toronto
Center for Ethnographic Research, University of California, Berkeley
Centre for Narrative Research, University of East London
Centre for Qualitative Research, Bournemouth University
Clinical Psychology Department, Antioch University New England
Education and Social Research Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University
International Institute for Qualitative Methodology, University of Alberta
Lives & Legacies: A Guide to Qualitative Interviewing (Ping-Chun Hsiung, University of Toronto)
McGill Qualitative Health Research Group, McGill University
Methodspace (Research Methods Community), Sage Publishing (Qualitative Category)
National Centre for Research Methods
Novella (Narratives of Varied Everyday Lives and Linked Approaches)
Online QDA: Learning Qualitative Data Analysis on the Web, University of Huddersfield
Qualitative 360: Top Qualitative Research Blogs
Qualitative Research & Resource Centre, Department of Sociology, York University
School of Psychology, The University of Auckland (Thematic Analysis)
The Art of Experience (Arts-Informed Narrative Inquiry)
University of Georgia Qualitative Page
Web Center for Social Research Methods
Qualitative YouTube Videos
Maria Mayan (Teaching Qualitative Research Well)
Karin Olson (Qualitative Interviewing)
Sarah Pink (Rethinking Moving and the Image)
Susanne Friese (Approaches to Coding)
Gina Higginbottom (Focused Ethnography)
Nancy Moules (The Rigor and Art of Interpretive Writing)
Stanford School of Medicine (Qualitative Data Analysis with NVivo)
John Creswell (Telling a Complete Story)
John Creswell (Mixed Methods Research)
Graham Gibbs (Grounded Theory, Part I)
Graham Gibbs (Grounded Theory, Part II)
University of Derby (Focus Groups)
University of Derby (Interviewing)
University of Derby (Participants)
University of Derby (Research Questions)