Department of Media and Communications
The “Department of Media and Communication Sciences” has been in existence since the foundation phase of the Klagenfurt University of Pedagogical Studies in 1971. The “Department of Education Technology and Media Pedagogy” was established in the summer semester of 1978. Since June 1996, when the new university organization law (UOG ’93) came into effect at the Klagenfurt University, the department has been called “Department of Media and Communication Sciences”. This name reflects the changes in the basic conditions and the focus of research and teaching. The degree course in “Media and Communication Studies” with a specialisation in the field of Applied Media and Communication Sciences was introduced in October 1999. It was replaced in the 2009/10 Winter Semester by the Bachelor’s programme in “Media and Communication Sciences” and the Master’s programme in “Media, Communication & Culture”. The declared objective is to provide a foundation in social and cultural studies with a broad spectrum of competences that allows for flexibility in the multifaceted and ever-changing vocational fields in globalized information and media societies.
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