Queri Qualitative Research and Training
QUERI is a qualitative research and consulting company that provides services in the areas of:
1) Research Consulting,
2) Grant Writing,
3) Software Coaching/Training,
4) Research Management
You may be starting your data collection, or you may have your hands full of interviews, focus groups, speeches, literature, photographs, video, or audio. You may be an experienced researcher or a novice adventurer in the practice of analyzing qualitative data.
QUERI is ready to assist at any stage of your project, and pleased to work with you regardless of your experience. We will always begin by listening carefully to what you want to accomplish with your research, and we place a high priority on listening to your ideas as the process unfolds.
QUERI offers unique, two-day NVivo coaching/training seminars. You work in a small group setting where there will be plenty of personal attention and discussion. This is a very different approach than a typical computer training. Bring in your own data and we’ll use it during the session. You’ll walk out with a truly customized analysis plan and a much clearer idea of how to enhance the rigor of your particular study with NVivo.