University of Technology Sydney
We are a group of researchers who are interested in health care refonn through the dewIopIHId of practices that are patient/dient-c:entered and clinical decision making thId is ooIIaINJraIiwe and interdisciplinary in nature. We are partiallarly interested in collaboration with the patients/dients and their faIIIily and friends as ‘true’ lDenlbers of the health care team. In addition we have an interest in prowision of equitable access to health care in addition to its safety and quality. We are predoIIIinanIly interested in approaches to health care that take into account the social and cultural aspects, in contrast to that nidi is foal8ed CNI purely bio .edic:aI_ers. As sudI we aNl8ider these afiIIIlds as CflIIIraI to health care reform.
OUr health care research actMties indude ethnographk: inquiry, practice developnleld. patienl/dient empowerment, action research and health care eoonolDic analysis.